In the small tourist town of Capestang or in the nearby charming village of Poilhes, the Canal du Midi leaves its mark on landscapes, villages and people. By bike, on foot or by boat, you can browse the quays of these two small ports as well as the towpath that will lead you to discover numerous works of art. By boat, you can of course dock to discover them!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/port-de-poilhes/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/poilhes-port-1.svgVariety of architecture, witnesses of the rich wine history, but also of the beautiful days that the Languedoc vineyard has before it! The wineries here have evolved, modernized, diversified, sometimes reconverted ... Most will gladly open their doors to you!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/les-domaines-viticoles/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/chateau-viticole.svgThey are an integral part of the landscape and the local terroir! Easily recognizable thanks to their large pediments with their characteristic architecture, you will easily see the cooperative cellars during your walks ... Places of history but above all of tasting, the cellars will be a must during your visit here!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/les-caves-cooperatives/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/cave-coopérative.svgLong ago, the sea came to the foot of the village of Capestang, whose name means "Cape of the pond". Thanks to its salt flats, the Capestang pond was, from the early Middle Ages, an important source of income… It is today a place of extraordinary biodiversity! Warning: The site is private and includes areas reserved for hunting, access to it very regulated.
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/etang-de-capestang/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/flamant-rose.svgAn emblematic landmark, the Domitian Way, established after the conquest of southern Gaul by the Roman authority, has established itself as the strategic, political and commercial axis of the province. It runs for almost 250 kilometers from the Rhône to the Pyrenees. Can you find its imprint in our current landscape?
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/la-voie-domitienne/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/via-domitia-borne-milliaire.svgIt is here at the heart of everything: our landscapes, our history, our gastronomy… the vine is our land. And it is with great pleasure that the men and women who work there will make you discover their profession, their passion, their life ... Discover the professionals who welcome you
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/vide-element-sans-gps/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2020/01/mapoeno.svgDiscovery by electric boat or aboard a barge, Sunday stroll on the towpath or more sporty hike ... the activities offered by the Canal du Midi are numerous!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/balades-element-sans-gps/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2020/01/iconeloisirscarto.svgSlip, for a moment, into the skin of the naturalist! Depending on the season, here are some anecdotes and tips for observing the most emblematic species of the Canal du Midi and its surroundings. It's up to you to play !
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/faune-element-sans-gps/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2020/01/mapfaune.svgIt was the middle of the thirteenth century, on the shores of a lake filled with stagnant water which " carries disease and death ". Ua basin without natural flow, which receives water from a watershed. The four owners of the time then decided to dry it out ...
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/etang-asseche-de-montady/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/montady-étang.svgIn the small tourist town of Capestang or in the nearby charming village of Poilhes, the Canal du Midi leaves its mark on landscapes, villages and people. By bike, on foot or by boat, you can browse the quays of these two small ports as well as the towpath that will lead you to discover numerous works of art. By boat, you can of course dock to discover them!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/port-de-capestang/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/capestang-port.svgIn Béziers, immediately after passing through the Fonseranes locks, the Canal du Midi crosses the Orb to reach Béziers. It was between 1854 and 1857, under the direction of Urbino Magues, that the Orb canal bridge was built. A real feat!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/le-pont-canal/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/Béziers-Pont-Canal.svgThe Saint-Nazaire and Saint-Celse cathedral was built in the western part of the old medieval town in 1598 and erected on the promontory of an ancient oppidum. “The biterroise acropolis” we say here. It majestically dominates the plain of the Orb and has witnessed a tumultuous history...
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/cathedrale-saint-nazaire/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/Bziers-Cathédrale.svgArrived on his native land, Pierre-Paul Riquet decides to run his Canal on the embankment north of Capestang, a route that avoids the Lower Plain of the Aude floodable to the South and occupied by the pond. But this last section with significant elevations creates several difficulties. They will be bypassed by dint of technical prowess!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/ecluses-de-fonseranes/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/Béziers-écluses.svgA stone's throw from the Canal du Midi, Saint-Sylvestre and Sainte-Colombe church is classified in Romanesque style. The first trace of a place of worship dates from the early Christian era, the most beautiful vestige of which is the Visigothic altar, classified as a historical monument ...
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/eglise-de-colombiers/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/Colombiers-église.svgThe archaeological site of the Oppidum of Ensérune presents to visitors the remains of the ancient village located at the top of this hill. The site was occupied between the XNUMXth century. BC and the XNUMXst c. A.D. Its location offers a unique panorama and its museum is a must-see!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/loppidum-denserune/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/Nissan-Oppidum.svgThis east tower is the last vestige of an ancient castle. From the top of its 20 meters it overlooks the perfect geometry of the dry pond of Montady as well as the old Languedoc village. Its thick walls rise over three floors.
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/tour-de-montady/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/montady-tour.svgLocated at Port de Capestang, the Pont de Saïsse, otherwise known as a "stone bridge" by the locals, is the work of architects Claude Colin and Pierre Launay. It dates from 1688-1689.
With the development of the canal goes that of bridges to cross it, their construction was supported by the States of Languedoc. The canal bridges have evolved in their form and method of construction, Capestang offers several examples of these constructions.
In the XVIIth century one finds the bridges of stone or brick in semicircular arch, the bridge of Saïsses constitutes an example. It has the particularity of having one of the lowest arches of the Canal bridges. In 1754, it threatened to collapse, it was then repaired at the expense of the municipality. In 1789, it was completely rebuilt with a new abutment built in rubble and an interior facing in cut stone from Nissan, some old elements were preserved and repaired.
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/pont-de-pierre-de-capestang/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/capestang-pont-de-pierre.svgCome and discover the summer residence of the archbishops of Narbonne in Capestang. This castle houses a painted ceiling dating from the XVe century, you can see many scenes from the period on the bugets (animals, gallant and religious scenes). At the end of the Middle Ages, the castle of the Archbishops of Narbonne in Capestang was a splendid residence that certain documents do not hesitate to qualify as a palace.
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/chateau-des-archeveques/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/capestang-chateau-archeveques.svgIn a perfect Gothic style, the Saint-Etienne collegiate church in Capestang was built in the XNUMXth century on an old Romanesque church, probably by the same team that built the Saint-Just-et-Saint-Pasteur cathedral in Narbonne. An architectural jewel that history has left unfinished, its visit will leave you with vivid memories!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/la-collegiale-de-capestang/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/capestang-collégiale.svgThe port of Colombiers gives this village a very special holiday accent. A stone's throw from the Canal du Midi stands the most characteristic monument of the village: the Château de Colombiers and its cellar now open to visitors, a real gem of the XNUMXth century!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/le-port-de-colombiers-et-la-cave-du-chateau/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/colombiers-cave-et-port.svgThe Malpas Tunnel is the story of a world premiere… Riquet, a native of Béziers, could not imagine his Canal going anywhere other than his native town. To do this, he had to overcome an obstacle: the hill of Ensérune. For the first time in history, we are making a navigable canal pass under a “mountain”!
https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/cartographie/le-tunnel-du-malpas/ https://www.grandsitecanaldumidi.fr/storage/2019/12/Nissan-Malpas.svg